Dax takes us on a profound self 您所在的位置:网站首页 dear alcohol dax Dax takes us on a profound self

Dax takes us on a profound self

2023-03-26 03:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Setting the tone with elegant guitar and vocal textures, Dax opens his latest release, Dear Alcohol with the moving lyrics, “I got wasted ’cause I didn’t wanna deal with myself tonight, my thoughts get drowned until I feel alright, I keep drinkin’ ’til I’m someone I don’t recognize…”

Dax delivers and emotive and wise performance in the song, with really important concepts and self-realizations, such as, “Alcohol ain’t my friend, but I keep drinkin’ ’cause these demons roam, and follow me ’round everywhere I go, it clouds my mind and soul, it turns my heart cold..”

The story is sad and familiar to many, judging by the YouTube comments under the music video, it is clear that Dax has touched a nerve with the mainstream and a good percentage of his four million followers are clearly able to relate to this story. If you want more depth on the spiritual nature of alcohol and how damaging it can be, have a read of our think piece on Why Alcohol Is Spiritual Poison.

The music video sees Dax in a flooded room with bottles of liquor floating everywhere, a haunting visual that really demonstrates how potentially dangerous and addictive alcohol can be.

Speaking on the track, Dax says, “Dear Alcohol is a song I wrote about the struggle with alcohol that I think can also relate to many other addictions or vices people may deal with.”

The video is beautifully shot with great cinematography, showing the artist dealing with his shadows and demons. Dax continues that he “stopped drinking after I made it.” This is amazing to hear, congratulations Dax!

Expanding on the meaning of the song, the Wichita artist says that Dear Alcohol also “has to do with my relationship with alcohol along with other people who have been in my life.”

Dear Alcohol is a therapeutic anthem that can be related to many addictions and vices people deal with in everyday life, and we love the wisdom, personal narrative and vulnerability that Dax is sharing with the world.

We have been immersing ourselves in his wider discography including She Cheated Again, My Last Words and You Should Have Known. Dear Alcohol has also been added to our New Music Spotlight playlist!

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